Saturday, April 27, 2013

Another Birthday

Well yesterday was my birthday and it was a very nice one...was with my Sister going to our favorite places..

First at Charlie's Pond, we only saw this lone Pheasant walking through the grasses.

Then to Canal Rd.  This is a hillside of Virginia Bluebells blooming at the picnic site.

In the tree above us this Yellow-rumped Warbler was flying around.

We drove on down the road and saw this Heron in the grasses beside the road.

 The Heron saw us and after letting me get a couple of pictures, he flew into a tree...

 Below there were turtles sunning themselves...

 Saw a lot of squirrels...

 Then we saw this huge white bird fly up out of the canal!  It was a Great Egret!  We had never seen one on Canal Rd.  He landed in a tree and I was able to get this picture.

 We were having a great time along Canal Rd....We got to the falls and decided to take a small hike

There was a well worn path that we could follow, figured deer and other animals used it.
Birds were chirping and flitting around us.  Then we saw these two tiny birds, making all this noise and flying around us.  As I am trying to get a picture (which was almost impossible) My Sister found out what was going on.....They were building a nest!  Oh the cutest little nest I have ever seen....
These little birds were Blue-gray Gnatcatcher... A first for both of us.  It was quite exciting.

From what I read about them the like to make their nests of plant fibers and bark chips and decorate with lichens and lined with fine vegetation, hair and feathers.

See him peeking at me through the leaves....we didn't stay too long because we didn't want to stress them and more than we had.

The Buckeye trees were beginning to bloom.  There are a lot of Buckeye trees along Canal Rd.

There were violets blooming everywhere.  Two different colors!

This pretty Trillium was blooming everywhere too.  I had never seen this one in the wild before...

 We spotted this groundhog sitting on a hill...looked like he was just enjoying his morning view!.

We also saw our first Indio Bunting of the year at Adam Lake in Adam County.

He was shy...only give me a back pose.... 
And our first baby goslings!  Canadian Geese and their 3 babies...

We also saw 9 Wild Turkey (they ran away before I could get a picture) and a rabbit and the Redbud trees were gorgeous!.
We stopped at an Amish Bakery and got so yummy stuff and they were having a sale on bird feeders, so we each got one!  When I dropped my Sister off, my Niece had me a delicious cupcake for my birthday.  I was tired but very, very happy.  It had been a great day!
But the best was yet to come!!!!!
I had a birthday card waiting for me and here it is....

 Can't get any better than that !!!!!  So I just want to thank everyone that remembered me and wished me a Happy Birthday because it worked....Thanks!

(you can't view the little video on your phone or tablet, must view from PC)

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