Friday, December 21, 2012

Birds & Cookies!

Now I know you are wondering what birds and cookies have in common.....well let me start from the beginning......

Today it is windy and some snowflakes are falling.  A great day for listening to Christmas music and baking cookies to take to my Grandkids.  My favorite is the Candy Cane cookie...First I got all the supplies out....
I haven't made these in a couple of years so I hope they turn out!

Creaming the butter and Crisco isn't my favorite thing to always get stuck in the mixer...

After it is all blended, I divide it into two sections and one I add red dye to and roll them up in wax paper and put in the refrigerator for about an hour.

Then I take a pinch of the white and a pinch of the red and roll them into long, snake like things.

The white dough wasn't as moist as the red and I had a few problems but I am not a perfectionist and all I really care about is how good they taste!  You take these two and twist them together and make it look like a candy cane...

The ones on the right are going into the oven and the ones on the left just came out and the crushed peppermint was added....
This is the bag of crushed peppermint....I understand that the groceries now sell crushed peppermint....I will look for that the next time I make these....but there is something to be said for the smashing of the peppermint...relieves one of any anxiety

The recipe if anyone would like to try...I usually get 2 dozen because I like fat cookies.... 

Then I did the sugar cookies....(I cheated...not from scratch)
While working on these cookies, I was also watching my bird feeders.....The birds were out today looking for food!
The Carolina Wren was out there with the rest of his family....Love the sounds they hear them coming before you see them
Four Tufted Titmouse were out there too.....making their sweet little sounds...and of course the unmistakable Chickadee...I think that was my first bird sound that I remembered...

The Downy Woodpecker and her spouse were there too....
Then the cute White-breasted Nuthatch stopped by....
 The Cardinal was hanging around watching what was going on.....

And of course the House Sparrows were there too....but they don't like it when I let Miss Kitty out...the others don't seemed bothered by her but the Sparrows stay away....
This is Miss Kitty......She went in and out several times before deciding it was too cold and windy....
She loves to sit on the porch and watch them... 

So it has been a good day....Got to bird watch and bake cookies....and listen to Christmas music and now I am ready for the family gatherings.....I hope everyone's family gatherings will be filled with love and fun and of course, COOKIES!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!!!

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