Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Mating Monarchs?

This beautiful Monarch butterfly has been visiting my yard for the last few days.  This is the first time I have had a Monarch.
This flower is it's favorite. It is a Butterfly Red Butterfly Flower (Asclepias Curassavica).  It is a very bright colored flower on a tall stalk.
After it flowers, it gets these pods and when they open, it is similar to the milkweed pods.
Then yesterday I saw the Monarch flying around and it looked like it was carrying something.  I was totally amazed.  It landed on the honeysuckle arbor and I snapped these pictures.
I figured this was a mating couple.  I do hope she lays her eggs in my yard.  Will keep you updated.


  1. Great Photos! It is a mating couple... at least for the moment...
    You should have more than one Native Species of Milkweed growing wild in your area. You might want to try some seeds from those, as they will be prone to be perennial, where the Asclepias Curassavica will probably just be an annual in your zone... If the female Monarch lays eggs, it may only be one egg per plant. The egg will be attached to the underside of a leaf.....

  2. Thanks..there is wild milk weed in my yard...some I have left to grow and the rest I fight....Thanks for the information....I will check this plants leaves to see if she left one...
