Wednesday, May 14, 2014

New life in Yoctangee Park!

I heard that one of the Swans had babies!  After doing my work here at home...I grabbed my camera and off to the park I went....
The park is so pretty now.  Of course every season is beautiful.

After walking around for a short time I saw them...This is the couple from the North nest (by the Y)
They have 4 babies...

The cute fuzzy little cygnets.
I met another Lady taking pictures and she had been down every day.  She said they were born on Mothers Day.  She said yesterday she watched the parents pull grass and drop it in the water near the babies.  Today we observed the training of how to "tipping up" or "upending"...

They got the group together and began showing them what to do..

Now watch what Mom & Dad do and then practice!!!!

See how easy it is....are you watching?
Now it is your turn!

Good Try...

Hay watch me!!!!!

Oh sorry for splashing you!

Look at me!  I did it!  I did it!

And of course it then became nap time after that exhausting lesson......

I then went down to the South nest.  Her mate was keeping the lake clear of any something may happen soon.

He is making sure no ducks get near his mate and their nest.....

She looked very hot sitting there in the sun...but look to the right...I saw something move and if you look close.......

 There is a duck under that brush....sitting on her nest!

Then She got up and I was able to get some pictures of her eggs....

I was hoping that they had started to hatch...but no...not yet!

On my way back to my car I saw another family!

The Mallard family!

She was swimming them around all over the lake....they are so cute!!!

This beautiful Green Heron was right in front of me...He was concentrating so on catching a fish, he didn't even know I was there......

I was enjoying watching when someone came walking by and scared him away into the tree.

 Saw Mr. Squirrel watching everything that was going on and then decided to take a sun bath nap!

Some views of the park.....

I had heard about the duck that someone had shot with an arrow and that attempts to catch him had failed.  He is still walking around and it is so sad to see this.  How someone could do such a thing.

 Just breaks my heart.  I hope he gets attention soon...

This goose is so white!  Very regal looking.

This is the Single Swan...resting with geese behind.

 I will close with the Buckeye full bloom!  They are so beautiful!

The flowers...

It was a lovely morning in the park today!  If you get a few minutes, stop by and watch the new cygnets learn how to be will make you smile!

So till next time! Enjoy the sights around never knows what one will see!

I am off to Lake Erie and some bird watching....


  1. Thank you for the beautiful pictorial. I love Yoctangee Park and go there every time I go back to Chilli-town. Since moving away it's one of the many things I miss about home. Thank you again for taking the time to share.

    1. My pleasure! So glad you like my posts on the is our city's jewel...thanks.
