Saturday, January 7, 2012

American Bittern

April of 2011, we were driving around Charlie's Pond in the early evening.  All of a sudden I spotted something, we stopped and watched and there he was blending into the surrounds we almost missed him.  Our first American Bittern.  We were so excited, we just sat there and watched as he stood still and didn't move at all.

I think he knew we were there watching him.  He just stayed where he was and we stayed where we were, waiting...

I am taking pictures and hoping the light holds for a little longer....

Got a good close up of him.

Then all of a sudden he stretches his neck straight up.  I have learned that they do this when they are alarmed and will sometimes sway in the breeze like the grasses around him...
He calmed down and decided we weren't going to harm him and turned and walked away into the grasses....
I just wish he had sang for us......
That was a good day at Charlie's Pond.

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