I put on my coat because it is still cold out....and decided to check my yard....a few weeks ago when we had a warm day I did a little yard work.....
It felt so good to be out and smell the dirt and feel the warmth of the sun...This is just a small area I got cleaned up and looks like spring here.....
This is what this area looked like last year.....Hoping it will be as pretty this year!!!!
My Hellebore is blooming....I guess I should have cut away the dead leaves...but I didn't want to take to much protection away just in case of a bad freeze.....
This Hellebore is blooming too...
I did notice that it looks like I will have Daffodils blooming for Easter!!!!!
This one has lots of flower blooms on it.....
I walked on around the yard...planning my sections to clear, like this one!
The Lilies and Daffodils are trying to come through....My Primroses are having a problem coming up....to many leaves...
I believe this is Pulmonaria and looks like blooms are popping out.....I have had this plant for many years and it is always so pretty......
Then I noticed a bud coming thru the dirt in a flower pot......
This was the pot that I had planted my Cannas in.....I usually don't plant bulbs that have to be dug up and stored as I never get that part of gardening done....I put these in a flower pot knowing I wouldn't dig them up...So imagine my surprise when I saw this bud!!!!
This is how the pot looks now....
And the little plant I put with the Canna is coming to live too......
This is how the Canna in the pot looked last summer.....
The garden is just waking up...the Lilacs have big buds and my little yellow rose bush has buds too....
So Spring is on the way!!!!! (if not almost here.... )
Get out and enjoy the sun and see if you can find any flowers coming up.....
Till next time!!!! Happy Easter! Happy Spring! Happy Gardening!!!!